Best Times for Realtors to Advertise: Busy or Slow Seasons?

In real estate, the question of when realtors should advertise has no one-size-fits-all answer. While spring and summer are typically busy, smart realtors know the importance of adjusting strategies during slower times.

Strategic Real Estate Advertising:
Navigating Slow and Busy Seasons for Optimal Impact

When the market slows down, realtors should review how well their marketing is working. Shifting focus to digital channels is smart because people often look for homes online, no matter the time of year.

Social media activity – including paid advertising and boosts – as well as digital advertising and building your online presence through unique and, if possible, exclusive channels is key to marketing in slow times. People often start looking for homes months before buying, so being available and visible during slower times is crucial. Slow periods give realtors a chance to build connections and build their reputation as a local expert.

How do realtors get ahead of the crowd?

Should realtors spend less on advertising during slow times? While it may seem counterintuitive, the answer is No! Most real estate agents do in fact pull back their advertising and marketing spend during market lulls, but smart realtors recognize the opportunity to get ahead of the competition during slow periods, meaning that their advertising has more impact. A relationship built during slow times will last into when the market picks up, so you want to find and nurture those relationship while buying and selling is on hold. In short, it’s a good time to get noticed without spending a lot!

Consider the seasons: spring and summer are busy, fall is decent, and winter is usually slow. But advertising during slow times has advantages, no matter the season.

Being seen regularly is essential even during slow times. Regular advertising, online activity, and digital presence in the local area served help people remember a realtor’s name and build trust. Connecting with serious buyers during slower months is a smart move.

With less competition, proactive realtors grab attention more easily, making their advertising efforts more effective. This advantage helps build relationships, setting the stage for future success.

Looking ahead is crucial. Building connections during slow periods can lead to great opportunities when the market picks up. Adapting strategies to ultra-local needs ensures realtors stay relevant to the community.


When the real estate market slows, marketing spend should increase. Realtors should plan their ads ahead of high-demand times. Using online ads and social media works well all year, helping realtors stand out in a very competitive market. To sum it up, adapting during slow times sets realtors up for success when the real estate market gets busier.

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